TFor You, We Offer:

1.Call Center: Based on a new-generation direct service process aimed at sales, we rely on a team of professionals trained in speech and psychological approaches to achieve the set final goal.

-Incoming calls

– Outgoing calls

-Direct sales

-After-sales service

-Sociological surveys

2. Digital Marketing:
Digital Marketing is the complete optimization of a brand’s presence using all available digital channels for distributing products and services. One of the most popular approaches in Digital Marketing is display advertising, which is a major source of sales for many companies.

3.Marketing Services:
Marketing services include continuous email campaigns supported by our database. Preliminary marketing research is an essential part of the service, as it helps us offer our clients the most precise approach for their marketing development.

4.Building, Updating, and Renting Databases:

Building databases based on the target groups of our business partners and on pre-researched sectors and parameters of potential clients. Having an up-to-date database is extremely important for all types of companies. Many companies have databases that have not been updated for years, but such an update can significantly increase customers and revenue.

–  Updating databases—comprehensive updating of existing databases by sectors and specific parameters, according to economic activity codes, financial results, or insured individuals.

– Database rental—based on pre-set criteria.

5.Academy:  Professional training for your Call Center, as well as consultations on:

-Structuring the team;

-Structuring the workflow;

-Structuring department priorities;

-Software solutions for the department;

-Improving call efficiency.

6.Consultations: We have a team of professionals who can conduct the necessary research to identify potential clients for our business partners. The purpose of the consultations is to determine the precise target group of our clients and the most suitable approaches for working with that target group. Consultations can be applicable both at the beginning of developing a new business strategy and periodically, depending on the effectiveness and results of previously established work concepts. This service saves our clients from long and uncertain research to identify potential clients, as a large part of the business can be “embedded” in sectors they haven’t worked with before.

7.Direct Sales:  “No” for us is not necessarily a rejection but another opportunity. Through specially developed psychological and emotional techniques, we offer the client an experience. Far from the tedious and uniform offering of different products and services, direct sales are our main goal, and customer satisfaction is the mission we work towards every day.